Intelligent Transportation Solutions

Safer Journeys, Smoother Flows

From thermal video detection and traffic light control to high resolution analytics, FLIR ITS offers an array of tools that better ensure safe and efficient movement of vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians in urban settings. Because our sensors operate above ground, they also are more affordable than conventional in-ground detection technology.

Vehicle Detection

FLIR’s video, thermal and radar sensors are highly reliable, accurate and non-intrusive detection technologies specifically designed for signal control and traffic management. By detecting vehicles so efficiently, FLIR sensors enable smart intersection control for greater safety, just like in countless cities that have already implemented FLIR technology at intersections.

Pedestrian Safety and Mobility

FLIR sensors allow you to include pedestrian movement into traffic control strategies and make them more visible to traffic. With dynamic traffic light control and warning sign activation, operators can make intersections and pedestrian crossings safer, while also preventing unnecessary delays to both pedestrians and motorists.

Bicycle Detection

By looking at heat signatures, thermal cameras can make a reliable distinction between bicyclists and vehicles. Traffic signals can be adapted to give bicyclists green time ahead of vehicle traffic for greater visibility. Bicycle detection will provide an extended clearance time for bicyclists, allowing them more time to cross an intersection without causing unnecessary delays.

High Resolution Data Analytics

FLIR’s thermal and visual analytics provide real-time traffic signal control by detecting the presence of vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians at intersections. This generates valuable traffic data, including counts, occupancy, classification at the stopbar and between intersections. By anonymously using Wi-Fi technology to track how people and vehicles move at intersections, FLIR sensors measure travel times, delays, points of origin and destinations. FLIR integrates both presence data and traffic flow data into a single source in the cloud, resulting in high-resolution, high-quality intersection data.

FLIR Detectors and Sensors for Traffic Signal Control